private carers for elderly

The advantages of live in carer for elderly person

Time passes, our health deteriorates and everyday chores are starting to pose a challenge. Live-in care is a service that provides constant, bespoke support for the Elderly that struggle on their own. Living at a care home often means giving up your independence and that’s a scary thought for many. If you are thinking about hiring a full time carer for elderly but not really sure of the benefits, read on.

Dedicated care and companionship

The responsibilities of live in carer for elderly person can be divided into three main categories: companionship, personal care and domestic duties. With private carers for elderly your love one will not be subjected to any kind of stick schedule. The extend of care is perfectly suited to the lifestyle and needs of each and every senior. They will help in maintaining good hygiene, which is crucial for preventing unwanted diseases. As well as assist with feeding and dressing.

Carers for the Elderly know that social duties are as important as tending to everyday needs. Having someone to talk to reduces the sense of isolation and loneliness and can prevent depression.

carers for the elderly

Supporting independence

Staying at your beloved home that you build and cherished for years can be biggest blessing at old age. It also can positively influence the quality of seniors living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies show that the Elderly thrive in familiar surroundings. Stripping away important layer of familiarity that is their home can cause confusion and aggression. As a family member you will without a doubt appreciate the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the needs of your loved one are met.

On top of that carers for the elderly allow the couples to stay together as oppose to the residential care where they will be most likely separated.

live in carer for elderly person

Security and preventing falls

With age our motor skills worsen. It’s a normal part of life, but as previously stated elderly loved ones are prone to dangerous falls. The consequences of a simple fall for a person over 65 can be catastrophic. Long rehabilitation and health complication are difficult to overcome even when you’re young. Private carers for elderly will make sure to help seniors with limited mobility. They are fully trained to support even the wheelchair bound person. They know how to use hoist and rollators and are able to prevent falls. That’s why finding a carer for the elderly is so substantial.

finding a carer for the elderly

Maintaining social life and activities

Staying active in your golden years will exponentially improve the standard of living. Seniors don’t have to stop having productive leisure time, even if they’re struggling with dementia of Alzheimer’s. In order to stay sharp, elderly must be exposed to various kinds of mental, social and physical stimuli. Games for seniors are proven to have several major health benefits. Carers for the elderly will constantly encourage patient to go out and meet new people will thus helping with building a beneficial connection with someone their age.

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