Elderly knitting in care home

How much does a care home cost?

The later years of a family member can be difficult, especially after the health decline. The needs change and everyday tasks can be challenging. You might not be able to adequately provide for them. Hence, seeking professional care is the only viable option.

While considering the best possible care for seniors, most of us go straight to the care home. It is understandable as it has existed since at least 1940s and is pretty much engraved in our collective memory as the only viable care option. The main misconception about care home is that they’re the most affordable option. Perhaps more important are mental and health cost family and the Elders must bear.

elderly people hands

Care home and the standard of care

Well-being of your family is regarded as the most important concern. That’s why making care choices can be a daunting task. The decision is particularly hard when senior is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. The needs of those elders become too difficult to manage at home, so they are transferred to a care home and expected to get the best possible protection. Unfortunately, according to a report from the British Geriatric Society over 41% patients with dementia could not access specialized dementia services in care homes.

Additionally, staying in environment, where elders with dementia are constantly exposed to overstimulation may have negative impact on their mental health. All of a sudden your loved one is thrust into a whole new surrounding with strangers. We have to remember that by putting them in a care home, we would be stripping away the fragile layer of familiarity. Moving to an entirely new place can be very stressful and confusing. It is almost impossible to provide much-needed stable and familiar routine, because the carers will change weekly or even daily.

Additionally, care homes operate on a very structured schedule. This may result in losing the sense of freedom, which comes with living independently for many years. Living in nursing home often means you will have to share the space with others, which is not ideal.

Elderly at care home

Care home costs

Cost of care for seniors is one of the main factors you will have to take into consideration. Many believe care home to be the least expensive option. It will vary depending on location, elders health and the type of care he or she requires. As you soon realize, this “affordable” option can be pretty costly.

Weekly cost of care home will increase exponentially if nursing care is needed. That includes dementia care as well. In these cases you will have to face fees of more than a £1,000 per week.
Location will also affect the care home costs. For example, if you live in the notoriously more expensive South East of England the feed would be higher where in the North West costs are usually lower. However, they are not likely to drop below £800 per week. You might have to consider choosing care home far away from your family residence, which without a doubt will negatively influence the frequency of the visits.

Moreover, arranging a place in a care home in order to alleviate care needs for elderly is not always easy, even if you are prepared to pay around £50,000 a year. There are plenty co called “care deserts” — areas of the country, where care home availability is limited.

Elderly and carer

Live-in care as a better alternative to care homes

Live-in care is a great alternative to a care home, which will provide sense of stability, comfort and independents that comes from living in their home. Those familiar surroundings are especially beneficial for clients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A major benefit of this solution is dedicated one-to-one care provided by highly skilled and compassionate carer, that is chosen by you and according to personal needs of your loved one.

Carer and client spend every day together. It results in creating a close bond that is based on mutual trust and understanding. Live-in carer provides both physical and emotional support for your family member. They will encourage different forms of activity and help in shaping a positive attitude towards one’s old age.

As for the cost of live-in care, most companies will charge up to £900 per week. Veritas Care is able to provide the highest quality of care for seniors for competitive and affordable price — £623/week.
Your loved one will appreciate companionship, help with domestic duties and assistance with medicine.

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