Early Symptoms of Dementia: What to Look for and When to Seek Help

Early Symptoms of Dementia: What to Look for and When to Seek Help

Dementia is a progressive condition that affects memory, thinking, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Recognizing the early symptoms of dementia can be challenging, as they often appear gradually and may be mistaken for normal ageing. However, early detection is crucial, as it allows individuals to seek medical advice, plan for the future, and explore potential treatments that may help slow progression.
How to Plan Engaging Outdoor Activities for Seniors

How to Plan Engaging Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Improving the quality of life for seniors can be wonderfully achieved through engaging outdoor activities. These activities bring many benefits, from enhancing physical health and boosting mental well-being to enriching social connections. Thoughtful planning is crucial to ensure these outdoor experiences are enjoyable and safe.
eating and the prevention of Alzheimers disease

Top Principles Of Suitable Eating And The Prevention Of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

According to research, a properly composed diet enriched with the appropriate minerals and vitamins can be a way to prevent senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, be sure to read this article and find out the relationship between dementia and diet and learn the most influential foods to prevent dementia.
Mindfulness for health

Mindfulness For Seniors – Top Mindfulness Tips For The Elderly

Meditation for the elderly is not just a hobby, but one of the ways to maintain a healthy body and spirit for the long term. Therefore, we dedicate today's article to the most important mindfulness practice tips and tell you what mindfulness for health can do for the elderly person around you.
elderly loneliness

Elderly Loneliness in Care Homes vs. Live-in Care

Loneliness is not only unpleasant feelings and emotions but a serious threat to health and life, especially in the case of elderly loneliness. Therefore, today we compare how isolation in care homes is experienced with living in care and suggest how to relieve this difficult emotional condition among seniors.
Coronavirus doctor

Coronavirus. Deaths at care homes in the UK. Why live in care is the safest option?

Elderly remaining in care homes are at very high risk of dying due to coronavirus infection. Nowadays live in care is regarded as the safest care option for seniors over 65 years old.
Immigrants in Brexit

The Government withdraws policy paper on no deal immigration arrangements after Brexit

Controversial policy paper on no deal immigration arrangements for EU citizens arriving after Brexit presented by Government’s Migration Advisory Committee was withdrawn on on 13 March 2020. Low-skilled workers are to remain in England.
Care companies at risk

Coronavirus crisis will leave care companies vulnerable

Many of us fear for our health and safety amid the coronavius outbreak. However, we must remember that older people are the most vulnerable. The majority of them need a constant care. It turns out, that care companies are facing bankruptcy.
Carers after Brexit UK

Post Brexit concerns. Care worker shortage due to points-based immigration

All indicates that in 2021 the crisis in British elderly care will be even worse. Government wants to end freedom of movement by banning low-skilled workers to enter the country.
Care home coronavirus

Coronavirus at care home in Brighton. Facility is on lockdown

Conditions in care homes in the UK has been rapidly deteriorating. Last week nursing home in Brighton had to be closed to all visitors, because of the visit from healthcare worker diagnosed with coronavirus.