private home care elderly

Care home or private care for elderly at home?

What is the difference between private care for elderly at home and care homes? When your loved one needs support in order to live safely, those are the two main care services you’re going to look into. How can you decide what is the better option for your elderly parent?

Private home care elderly vs care home

private care for elderly at home

According to the plethora of surveys over 90% of the Elderly don’t want to go into care home. The good news is that they don’t have to. Private home care is a great alternative, but don’t take our word for it. Find out for yourself!

Private Home Care for the ElderlyCare Home

Professional care 24/7

With home care services seniors can stay at home safely. The care is always perfectly suited to the needs of your loved one. You are involved in matching process – interviewing the prospective live-in carers and making the final decision. It is important to pick them not only based on your loved one’s individual needs but personality traits as well. Staying at home is beneficial especially for patients suffering from any neurodegenerative disease associated with getting older e.g. Alzheimer’s or dementia.Similarly to private home care for the elderly patients receive round-the clock-care. Nursing home is a great alternative for seniors who are suffering from complex long-term disease as trained nurse will be always by their side. On top of that care homes also face regular inspections. The biggest drawback is the big move itself. It causes distress, which will negatively affect seniors well-being. Moreover, you have no control over who is taking care of your ageing parent. Carers often change daily, thus contributing to anxiety and disorientation of patients.

The Cost of Care

Contrary to popular belief private carers for elderly is not the most costly care option. With Veritas Care prices for bespoke 24/7 help start at £623/week.Cost of care home will vary depending on location, standard and the type of help your loved one requires. Nursing homes are amongst the most expensive. You will have to face fees of more than a £1,000 per week. On top of that getting a place in care home is not always easy. There are plenty co called “care deserts” — areas of the country, where care home availability is limited.

Social Contact

Companionship is regarded as the most important responsibility of a carer. Depression is a common problem amongst older adults. Being alone in a home previously filled with children doesn’t help. Sometimes all you need is a kind word and someone to talk to on daily basis. The carer can also help and encourage the patient to participate in social gatherings (e.g. bingo games).Care homes provide seniors with a lot of social contact with people in the same age group. Workers will organize various activities in order to help seniors stay mentally and physically active.


Private home care for the elderly is without a doubt the most flexible option. Prior to getting help for your elderly loved one, you have to complete Home Care Assessment. That way we can accurately evaluate the needs of a patient and make sure you pay only for targeted, bespoke care. By staying at your own house you are able to keep all the precious memorabilia and beloved pets.With care homes you have to face set rules that can’t be broken. They are after all regulated institution working under strict supervision. Your loved one have to adapt to the new daily routine, which is often very difficult. In the majority of care homes there are no pets allowed. Moreover, due to mentioned “care dessert” couple could be forced into separate establishments.

Deciding on what’s best

private carers for elderly

Deciding on care service for your elderly loved one will take time and deliberation. You will likely do hours of research online and ask friends for advice. Remember, that at the end it all depends on what’s important to you and your family.

If you’re still struggling to make a decision on your care you can call one of the specialist from Veritas Care. They are always ready to answer all of the questions.

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