dementia support

How To Help Someone With Early-Stage Dementia?

Dementia cannot be cured, but it can be halted and patients' quality of life enhanced. That is why today we are telling you how to help someone with early dementia, and telling about the best way of dementia support, namely the advantages of hiring live-in carers for elderly parents and relatives.
Incontinence in the Elderly: How to Convince an Elderly Person to Wear Diapers

Incontinence in the Elderly: How to Convince an Elderly Person to Wear Diapers

Urinary incontinence is one of the most common complaints in old age, so it's time to stop treating it as a taboo and take action. Today you will learn what incontinence is, its causes, types and treatments.
Mindfulness for health

Mindfulness For Seniors – Top Mindfulness Tips For The Elderly

Meditation for the elderly is not just a hobby, but one of the ways to maintain a healthy body and spirit for the long term. Therefore, we dedicate today's article to the most important mindfulness practice tips and tell you what mindfulness for health can do for the elderly person around you.
Sensory Activites for people with dementia

Top Sensory Activities for Dementia Patients

Dementia cannot be cured, but it can be significantly inhibited with sensory stimulation, especially carried out by a specialist in live-in dementia care. That's why today we are recommending the best sensory activities for dementia patients so that you can introduce them to your loved ones with dementia.
Reminiscence activites/therapy for dementia

Reminiscence therapy and activities for dementia patients

Would you like to help a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's disease? Have you heard of reminiscence therapy? You've come to the right place as today, we share all the information about reminiscence therapy and suggest ideas for elderly activities to help you support seniors suffering from dementia.
losing a loved one

Losing an elderly loved one: How to deal with grief.

Losing a loved one is never an easy event in life, regardless of age, gender or level of closeness to the person. Therefore, if you are experiencing bereavement, please read this article you may find something in it that will help you in coping with bereavement.
Senior is sleeping too much

Senior sleeping – the most common causes of sudden excessive sleepiness in the elderly and relations between sleep and age

Find out the relationship between sleep and age and learn the causes of sudden excessive sleepiness in the elderly. Discover the underlying reasons for the elderly falling asleep while sitting and why old people sleep so much to better understand and help your ageing family members and loved ones.
Cancer fighting foods: cooking tips for the elderly to reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer-fighting foods: cooking tips for the elderly to reduce the risk of cancer

A well-composed diet is an essential part of cancer prevention. That is why today we are covering the topic of what to eat to minimise the risk of developing cancer and what foods that prevent cancer. Find out about cancer-fighting foods and the most important principles of a suitable diet for cancer patients.
caring for dementia at home

Dementia Live-in Care with Veritas Care

Dementia is a common disease that is often still under-reported. Therefore, to fill this gap here is an article about this condition and the ways of caring for someone with dementia. Find out how to care for your loved ones and discover the best live-in dementia care in the UK.
how to prevent kidney failure

The Most Common Causes of Kidney Diseases And How To Prevent Kidney Failure

Kidney diseases and even kidney failure in an elderly person are quite common. Therefore, it is useful to know a little about the subject. What should you eat in order not to put a strain on your sick kidneys? What foods are recommended and what is best avoided? What are the causes of kidney disease and how can you guard against them? We provide answers to all these questions.