Senior on a wheelchair

5 Reasons To Consider Hiring Elderly Live-in Care

Professional care for the elderly is the best investment in a senior's health and well-being! And today we will convince you why hiring live-in caretakers is the best option for such assistance! Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring elderly live-in care!
senior couple holding a house

Home Adaptations for the Elderly With Disabilities

We present everything you need to know about home adaptations for the elderly with disabilities! Discover why you should install home adaptations, what they are, their advantages and who they help. We cover the entire house, from the kitchen to the driveway, so that seniors can live comfortably in their own homes.
Senior drinking water flrom a bottle

Dehydration in the Elderly – Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

What is dehydration in the elderly and what are the dangers associated with it? Today we will tell you all you need to know about it! We will touch on the symptoms of dehydration in elderly, how to stay hydrated and how much water an elderly person should drink a day to stay healthy.
Whats the difference between alzheimers disease and dementia

What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?

In this article, you will learn about differences between Alzheimer's and Dementia, what are the types of symptoms of both conditions, and what to do if you suspect your senior might be suffering from them. And all this to ensure that seniors receive adequate and the best possible help and care in both circumstances!
Exercises for seniors at home

Best Senior-friendly Ways To Stay Active Inside

Adequate physical activity can not only help to prevent diseases of the body and mind, but it can also directly prolong our lives! Provided, however, that it is adapted to our age and state of health. Therefore, we present the best elderly-friendly ways to stay active inside your home!

Debunking the Three Most Common Myths About Ageing

Introducing the most common myths about old age and the ageing process, with scientific and social facts to dispel them! After reading this article, you will undoubtedly find out that old age can have bright prospects and is not as scary or painful as you might think!
Healthy food for the elderly

The Right Diet for an Older Person

The right diet is a guarantee of a long and comfortable life! By following the right diet for an older person, we can prolong life, prevent illnesses and also relieve the symptoms of existing ones! And today, we present everything you need to know about nutritional needs for the elderly to ensure a comfortable and tasty life for yourself or your loved ones!
Medical fraud

How To Avoid Health Fraud?

Health fraud is an ever-growing phenomenon that particularly affects the elderly. Therefore, to save you from sad disappointment, we present the most effective tips to help you save yourself from being a victim of health fraud!
Seniors decorating eggs for Easter

Easter Activities for Seniors Living With Dementia

Here are the best ideas for Easter activities for seniors living with dementia that will not only keep you occupied and entertained, but also support their brain functioning as well as their memory and recall skills! Today you'll find out how to throw a wonderful and beneficial Easter celebration for a senior living with dementia.
man doing gentle exercises

The Safest and Most Beneficial Types of Sports for Older People

Physical activity has a tremendous impact on health and life expectancy, so it is not worth neglecting it even in old age. For this reason, we present the safest and most beneficial types of sports for older people, which will improve not only the health but also the well-being of seniors!