alzheimer’s treatment

New Alzheimer’s Drug – a genuine breakthrough treatment

Alzheimer’s disease is a real scourge of our times. Year after year, more and more young people are developing it. Fortunately, new medical and pharmacological solutions to halt the progression of this ailment come hand in hand with the spread of this condition. And today, we will tell you about whether there is a cure for Alzheimer’s and new Alzheimer’s treatment options.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to perform the simplest of tasks. Alzheimer’s disease tends to progress slowly and gradually worsens over several years. The condition can affect memory function, thinking, judgement, language, problem-solving, personality and motor skills.

cure for alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease stages

Before we tell you which new Alzheimer’s treatment is currently considered the most effective, let’s briefly discuss the different Alzheimer’s disease stages.

Preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease begins long before any symptoms appear. This stage is called preclinical Alzheimer’s disease and is usually only recognised in research settings. In this stage, you do not notice symptoms in yourself or those around you. Although the patient does not notice any changes, new imaging technologies now make it possible to identify deposits of a protein called amyloid-beta, which is a characteristic parameter of the disease.

Mild cognitive impairment

People with mild cognitive impairment experience mild changes in memory and thinking ability. These changes are not yet significant enough to affect work or relationships. People in this stage may have memory gaps when it comes to information that is usually easy to remember, such as conversations, recent events or meetings.

Mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is often diagnosed in the mild dementia stage when it becomes clear to family and doctors that the person has significant memory and thinking problems that affect daily life.


  • Memory loss regarding recent events.
  • Difficulty solving problems, performing complex tasks and making accurate judgements.
  • Personality changes – patients may become subdued, withdrawn or display uncharacteristic irritability or anger.
  • Difficulties in organising and expressing thoughts.
  • Getting lost or losing things.

alzheimer's treatment

Moderate dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

During the moderate stage of dementia in Alzheimer’s disease, people become more confused and forgetful and begin to need more help with daily activities and self-care. People in the moderate stage of Alzheimer’s dementia may show increasingly poor judgement and worsening confusion, confuse family members or close friends with each other or strangers with family, wander and undergo significant changes in personality and behaviour.

Severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

In the late stage of the disease, known as severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s, mental function deteriorates further, and the disease has an increasing impact on motor and physical abilities. In the late stage of severe dementia, patients generally lose the ability to communicate coherently, require daily assistance with personal care and experience deterioration in physical function.

Is there a cure for Alzheimer’s?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s at this time. However, a timely treatment programme can significantly slow down the progression of the disease. The new biogen Alzheimer’s drug has just such an effect.

cure for alzheimer's

Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s treatment – basic information

In recent years, a revolutionary Alzheimer’s drug has come onto the market. It does not cure the ailment completely, but it significantly slows down its progression. The drug, called Lecanemab, was developed by Eisei and Biogen. Lecanemab contains monoclonal antibodies reducing forms of beta-amyloids, the proteins responsible for cognitive impairment. This Biogen Alzheimer’s drug is a real breakthrough in Alzheimer’s treatment.

Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s treatment – effectiveness

According to the drug’s clinical trials, the rate of cognitive decline in patients taking Lecanemab was shown to decrease by as much as 27% over the 18 months of therapy compared to the group given a placebo. Most people noticed the effects after just six months of therapy. Such results have not yet been obtained in any studies of potential drugs for the disease.

Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s treatment – summary

Although the new Alzheimer’s drug shows results, opinions about it are divided. Some scientists are excited about it, but others point out that it does not address all the needs of patients. Nevertheless, no better alternative has yet been invented. Therefore, it is by far the best option to help loved ones.

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