Exercises for seniors at home

Best Senior-friendly Ways To Stay Active Inside

Nowadays, in time of the pandemic and other social turmoil, we have often had to lock ourselves in our homes and shy away from public gatherings. Nevertheless, social isolation should not be an excuse for a lack of physical activity, which is essential for our health and well-being.

Exercise not only helps to maintain a fit body but also directly improves our mood and mental condition, which is crucial, especially for older people. With this in mind, we suggest the best elderly-friendly ways to stay active inside your house, available to everyone! So, how to stay active at home?

What impact does physical activity have on the health and life of seniors?

Well-chosen exercises for seniors at home make older people live better, more mobile and happier! Gentle exercises for seniors are a great way to prevent heart, joint and bone diseases such as osteoporosis, as their occurrence is strongly dependent on lifestyle, and making a few changes can reduce the risk of disease or slow its progression. In addition, the physical activity guidelines for older people also point to the positive effects of physical activity on mental well-being as a benefit! Regular aerobic exercises improve mood, and levels of social connection, and reduce the risk of conditions such as insomnia and depression.

Elderly woman with weights

What dose and type of activity are recommended for seniors?

The WHO’s physical activity guidelines recommend that seniors should aim for the same goals as adults, namely a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. However, when it comes to physical activity guidelines for seniors, it’s not so much the time that counts as choosing the right exercises for your physical condition, in other words, those that do not put too much strain on your joints or heart. It’s not so much about dynamic as about steady stretching and strength training, where it’s the careful completion of exercises that counts more than the amount of sweat! In the case of seniors, it is particularly important to remember exercises that will strengthen muscles and improve fitness. Now let’s get down to specifics and consider how to stay active at home.

What types of physical activity are recommended for older people?

There are many types of sports suitable for older people, although the choice should depend primarily on the older person’s state of health, ailments and personal preferences. Gentle exercises for seniors, which do not put too much strain on the body, should be recommended to beginners and intermediates. Gentle yoga, walking, Nordic walking, Tai Chi, Pilates, aerobic exercises or swimming are good choices for such people. As these types of sports do not require a high level of fitness, they do not put too much strain on the joints and their pace can be adapted to one’s own abilities, plus examples of such workouts can be found on the Internet! For more information on sports for older people, check out our article on sports in seniors available here.Woman squatting

How to stay active at home?

Whatever the reason, from bad weather to isolation, one thing is for sure, being indoors does not mean you cannot be active, and it even means you definitely ought to be! In fact, there are plenty of things you can do instead of going to the gym or cycling in the park that is suitable for old age. How to stay active at home as a senior? Find some of our ideas below.

Video workouts on the Internet and on CDs

We live in wonderful times when we can learn almost anything from the Internet! It is no different when it comes to exercises for seniors at home! There are thousands of videos on the web with complete workouts suitable for seniors and more! You can find gentle exercises for seniors in worse shape, as well as aerobic exercises for experienced exercisers of advanced age. As an alternative to online training, CDs are available in bookshops and specialised shops, but they are much harder to find and more expensive.

Dancing seniors

Move as much as possible during your daily tasks

Physical activity is not just about fitness! If you are bored with difficult exercises and searching for videos with them, you can always bet on doing everyday tasks such as cleaning, ironing or cooking. It’s a way to stay physically active at home and look good doing it at the same time! And to make the time more enjoyable, we recommend putting on your favourite music to tidy up! Speaking of music, here’s another exercise for seniors at the home idea!

Dance while you can!

Another approach to exercises for seniors at home is to have regular dance parties! Whether you live with a partner or on your own, dancing will certainly boost your mood and make you feel like a young god! Plus, you can do it anytime, anywhere, and the effect on your physical health is simply invaluable!

And what would you add to this list? How do you stay active at home? We look forward to your comment!

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