Personal hygiene care for the elderly – best practices for grooming and hygiene for seniors
Keeping up with the personal hygiene is important for our well-being. Unfortunately our elderly loved-ones often struggle to maintain good hygiene. Find out, what are the best practices for grooming and hygiene for seniors.
The "sandwich generation": adult children of the ageing parents
People who are caring for both their elderly parents and their own children under 18 years old are called “sandwich generation”. The adults are somewhat squeezed - "sandwiched" - between their parents and their own children.
Caring for elderly parents
Our parents are the most important people in our lives. We should treat them with respect and dignity, so they can live long and happily. Why should we take care of our senior parents? What can we do if we are unable to take care of our parents ourselves?
15 Standards of the Care Certificate - Personal Development of Our Carers
The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards that social care…